26 AUG 2024 by ideonexus
Quantifying the Rate of Change
We live in an era that involves an extraordinary amount of change. To see this, consider the rate of global economic growth, which in recent decades averaged around 3 percent per year.51 This is historically unprecedented. For the first 290,000 years of humanity’s existence, global growth was close to 0 percent per year; in the agricultural era that increased to around 0.1 percent, and it accelerated from there after the Industrial Revolution. It’s only in the last hundred years that the ...16 DEC 2022 by ideonexus
Luddite Club
“Lots of us have read this book called ‘Into the Wild,’” said Lola Shub, a senior at Essex Street Academy, referring to Jon Krakauer’s 1996 nonfiction book about the nomad Chris McCandless, who died while trying to live off the land in the Alaskan wilderness. “We’ve all got this theory that we’re not just meant to be confined to buildings and work. And that guy was experiencing life. Real life. Social media and phones are not real life.”
“When I got my flip phone, things ...Folksonomies: culture technology
Folksonomies: culture technology
25 OCT 2017 by ideonexus
The Importance of Networks in the Enlightenment
Like the Reformation, the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment were network-driven phenomena, yet they spread faster and farther. This reflected the importance of acquaintances in correspondence networks such as Voltaire’s and Benjamin Franklin’s, communities that might otherwise have remained subdivided into national clusters. It also reflected the way that new social organizations—notably, Freemasonry—increased the connectedness of like-minded men, despite established divisio...Folksonomies: enlightenment networks
Folksonomies: enlightenment networks
25 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Enlightenment as the Birth of Progress
Only in the 18th century Enlightenment did the concept of progress become widespread. Earlier, most
people thought of history in terms of a fall from a past Golden Age, or perhaps repeating cycles. (If
they thought of such things at all. Mostly they just worried about their next meals.)
With the Industrial Revolution, progress became almost synonymous with science and technology.
By the late 19th and early 20th century, we see the beginnings of modern science fiction (Verne,
Wells), and prot...Folksonomies: enlightenment progress
Folksonomies: enlightenment progress
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Manchester and the Birth of the Industrial Revolution
What was so exciting about Manchester? Disraeli with his acute political and historical instinct understood that Manchester had done something unique and revolutionary. Only he was wrong to call it science. What Manchester had done was to invent the Industrial Revolution, a new style of life and work which began in that little country town about two hundred years ago and inexorably grew and spread out from there until it had turned the whole world upside down. Disraeli was the first politicia...Folksonomies: academia revolution
Folksonomies: academia revolution
29 MAY 2014 by ideonexus
When Science Became a Profession
The possibilities of modem technology were first in practice realised in England by the energy of a prosperous middle class. Accordingly, the industrial revolution started there. But the Germans explicitly realised the methods by which the deeper veins in the mine of science could be reached. In their technological schools and universities progress did not have to wait for the occasional genius or the occasional lucky thought. Their feats of scholarship during the nineteenth century were the ...Rising from the prosperous classes and the reliance on occasional genius to a methodology for producing consistent results.